Thank You to These Community Members

The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Deborah Liverman

Deb has led our office through this difficult time with grace and compassion. She has maintained a high level of service for students while also being accommodating to staff needs. Her foresight in implementation of technology before this crisis hit allowed us to be more adaptable. Moreover, she has been in constant meetings about student needs, especially with employment trends. And yet she is still available to her staff.
Kimberly Benard, OVC

Tamara Menghi

She has been working diligently to create a bank of summer opportunities for students during this time. All of that work was on top of an already overwhelming amount, as she has also had to fill in for work normally done by others (unfilled positions that were frozen). She has taken extraordinary amount of work upon herself, and yet executes it to the highest levels.
Kimberly Benard, OVC

Kathleen MacArthur

As someone who works with various faculty committees regarding academics and curriculum, she has had to do the normal work she does, while also assisting with the effort to transform our educational methods/models. In particular, the transformation of subject evaluations have been particularly time consuming. She has gone above and beyond!
Kimberly Benard, OVC

Ramona Allen

When I listened to Ramona Allen speaking at the most recent Town Hall I felt and thought a few things. First, that the people who chose her for her job couldn't have chosen better, second, listening to her talk she was humble and really empathic towards support staff and third, reassured that she understands what this adjustment to remote working is for many of us. Thank you Ramona!!
Rachel Batista, NSE

RLE Headquarters

Thank you to everyone in RLE Headquarters--from the top administrators who are tackling the big issues moving forward to all the staff members working on the details and keeping our labs running. There is no question that they don't seem to find an answer to, or a solution that will fit. Thank you all for your dedication in supporting us admins and our research groups. Can't wait to see you when we return.
Dorothy Fleischer, RLE

Dorothy Curtis

We would like to thank Dorothy for being available during a deadline at all hours. While imparting her vast knowledge of the system, she was courteous, professional and kind. She navigated us through a complex process, and explained the maze of guidelines and principles with exacting detail and a healthy side of humor. We are grateful to Dorothy. MIT is lucky to have her on its team.
Diane Ramirez-Riley, Schwarzman College of Computing

David Elwell & ISO Staff

David an the ISO team have answered a million "what if this happens" questions for concerned students and staff. Always with empathy and positivity. I especially appreciate David's willingness to join town hall meetings with students and help them understand their options.
Maura Herson, MIT Sloan

Tasker Smith

Tasker was chosen by Professor Marty Culpepper to be a member of a specialized team working on and off campus to design and prototype PPE and COVID-19 related equipment. Over the past two months Tasker has been deeply involved in these extremely important activities and I would like to acknowledge his extraordinary effort skills and talent as a designer and builder but most of all for his dedication and compassion to keep the MIT community safe.
Thank you Tasker
Steve Haberek, ME Building 3 Pappalardo Lab

Judit Pokos

She is a proactive team member who has helped us a lot with her ability to see through complex situations.
Klara Orsos, Communications

OVC Desktop Support

Donyatta, Anthony, Paul, and Terre have been outstanding as we have needed numerous help sessions to get our home computers in shape to work remotely. They have been patient and quick to respond. I could not ask for better IT support!
Jennifer Smith, Campus Activities Complex/DSL

Beatriz Cantada

For "walking the talk." Being an awesome remote mentor, and remaining committed to equity, inclusion, and authenticity.
Rachel Ornitz, ICEO

SEED Academy Staff and Instructors

In early March, our SEED Academy team had to quickly take our in-person program, currently provided to 135 middle and high-school students from local public schools, and relaunch it online. This 'change of plans' required everyone to be quick in our response, creative, and attuned to issues around equity and access for our students. We conducted our last online session this past Saturday and students were so grateful for the opportunity to continue to engage as a community through these uncertain times. I really appreciate all of the hard-work from the entire team to keep this transformative program going, as well as, the patience and engagement of the students as we made this transition.
Eboney Hearn, MIT OEOP

Zan Barry and Jimmy Doan

Zan and Jimmy, thank you for all the incredible Super Coaching you provide for us coaches!!!
Carol Matsuzaki, DAPER

Heather Williams

Heather has done an excellent job of keeping the lines of communication open in the School of Science during these last several weeks of working in a remote environment. She has found ways to maintain connections within the science community through regular email updates, zoom check-ins, and offering Learn@Lunch meetings. Thank you Heather!
Heidi Demers, Laboratory for Nuclear Science

Executive Education Operations Team

In a matter of days, the team pivoted and shifted spring open enrollment and custom programs to a live online format. We had a few members, Amy Davagian, Bella DiMambro and Jaclyn Molewyk, step up to help lead the charge, but the entire operations team dove right in. Endless hours were spent editing websites, creating processes and documentation and crafting communications. The team upskilled themselves in Zoom and then went on to train other staff, faculty and participants. They've now gone on to managing a complimentary webinar series to engage participants until our summer season kicks off in June. It was inspiring to witness the collaboration, innovation and leadership! Well done team!
Rachel Hutton, Sloan Executive Education

Elizabeth Hawley

Elizabeth is endlessly helpful on every project she works on, and is asked to work on. She is upbeat, resourceful and a never-ending font of good ideas. I am grateful that I get to work with her so much. Thank you for all you do and never change!
Cori Champagne, HR

Jared and Laurie Berezin

The handmade face mask was a great reminder that people still care during these days with social distancing! You guys are the best!!!

Brian O'Rourke & Jack McGlashing

Brian and Jack consistently have an "I'd be happy to do it" attitude and go out of their way to pitch in and help their colleagues. Thank you both for your roles in sorting and getting important documents to me so LNS business could continue efficiently.
Heidi Demers, Laboratory for Nuclear Science

Pamela Knop, Business Manager

We all know that life is all about the little, meaningful things. You started in this role at a very difficult time. However your weekly missives have been educational and enjoyable, and they keep all of us upbeat and bonded. Thank you for reaching out to all of us and offering all the right ingredients -- hope, optimism, awesome observations, coupled with meaningful information that we need.
Anonymous, Contracting Services Department, Lincoln Laboratory

Peggy Bryan

As a international scholar at MIT, I was concerned about the continuity of my research activities in these chaotic times. Peggy has, over recent weeks, worked hard to get me the answers that I needed on my employment situation and to ensure that I have stability in my work and personal life. At a moment in which health, finances, and politics are ever more affected by chaos, Peggy provided me with a grounding and hopeful counterpoint. Colleagues like Peggy are hard to come by and invaluable to succeeding in what we do at MIT.
Daniel Gallagher, Urban Studies and Planning

Michael DeBenedictis

Campus Police Officer Michael DeBenedictis exemplifies what a good police officer should do: enforce laws and look out for a community's safety while also showing courtesy, kindness, and compassion. Thank you.
Pamela Siska, Writing, Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Dillan Cohen, Sean Motherway, Karma Mulug, and Michael Seaberg

Thank you for moving so many crates and boxes from Medical to W34. You solved a major logistics problem for us, and have been a pleasure to work with.
Ruth Evensen, MIT Medical - Purchasing

Christopher J. Brown

Chris was hired as a Financial Assistant in our department HQ's office and, as such, spends the majority of his day dealing with financial matters. Having said so, he always stands at the ready to pitch in wherever needed, be it something as mundane as moving tables/set up for an event, to something more complex such as technical support. As we all transitioned to online communication in a matter of days, Chris learned Zoom and Webex in the blink of an eye, and subsequently helped his Biology colleagues install the platforms, offered one-on-one sessions, and even conducted a formal training session for all staff. In no way is technical support of this type part of Chris' normal job, but this effort is indicative of his can-do, ever-generous nature to zoom up to the plate and provide help.
Rebecca Chamberlain, Biology

Our Students

I want to thank our Intro to Making students for remaining positive, energetic, and engaged while persevering through what I know are incredibly difficult situations to make fun, awesome, and inspiring projects for our class - even with very few tools and methods at their disposal. You all are amazing!
Angelina Jay, Project Manus - Intro to Making

Santiago Benavides

Thank you for running and then transitioning to hosting the WhizKey seminars virtually!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS

Julia Wilcots

Thank you for being an awesome ESAC president!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS

Patrick Beaudry and Diana Dumit

Thank you for organizing and hosting virtual meetings for your peers to hang out!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS

Caue Borlina

Thank you for organizing and continuing to run EATS virtually! The seminars have been fun and I've learned a lot from them.
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS

Graduate Student Advisory Group to the Faculty Search Committee

Thank you for organizing virtual meetings, explanatory handouts, and so many opportunities for students and postdocs to give feedback and become involved in an important process.
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS

Margaret Duffy and Sydney Sroka

Thank you for running and coming up with fun activities for virtual cookie hour!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS