Recommended Resources

We have collected this list of resources about managing change for use by the MIT community. We refer to these resources frequently in our work with clients at the Institute. We hope you will enjoy them.

Resources, Books, and Articles

Strategies for Change
Kotter and Schlesinger
A classic that is still relevant, this 1979 Harvard Business Review article offers a handy assessment of how to implement changes based on key factors surrounding the change.

Leading Change
John Kotte
A change classic that includes an 8-step model for implementing change.

Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change
William Bridges
Bridges is a very readable author and is well-spoken about the psychological aspects of change in personal and organizational life.

Who Moved My Cheese? An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life
Spencer Johnson
This simple, quick read is a popular book on dealing with change.

Managing the Corporate Dream
William Torbert
This book is more academic in tone and intent. Torbert describes a developmental "ladder of leaders" and a parallel "ladder of organizations" using descriptive commentary. The book shows organizations and leaders as growing entities that meet distinct challenge points as they move from one stage to another.

Adult Development and Leadership
Robert Kegan
Very readable article that outlines how adult development is expressed in leadership. Great for client-centered approaches.

Productive Workplaces: Organizing and Managing for Dignity, Meaning, and Community
Martin Weisbord
A wonderfully readable book about the history and theory of change; suitable for ardent students of management and organizational development.

Learn and Grow, Professionally and Personally

Choose from a mix of role-based programs, skill-based workshops, and online resources to discover, learn, and grow in your career at MIT.