Recommended Resources

We have collected this list of leading and managing resources for use by the MIT community. We refer to these resources frequently in our work with clients at the Institute. We hope you will enjoy them.

Book and Articles

Understanding Management
Richard L. Daft and Dorothy Marcic

Motivating at Work
Twyla Dell

Winning Manager
Julius Eitington
Highlights the many roles of Managers

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Covey, Stephen R

Coaching for Improved Work Performance
Fournies, Ferdinand F

Masterful Coaching
Hargrove, Robert

"Coaching as a Mentoring Tool" — OD Practicioner
Hodes, Bruce
Vol. 28, No. 3, pp.23-28. 1996

Passion for Excellence — Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies
Peters, T. J., & Austin, N.K.

"The Executive as Coach" — Harvard Business Review
Waldroop, James and Timothy Butler
November - December, 1996

Reengineering Performance Management
Weiss,Tracey B., & Hartle, Franklin

"The Corporate Coach" Training Magazine
Zempke, Ron
December, 1996

School and Educational Support

Is your child struggling (or excelling) in elementary, middle, or high school? Looking for guidance on how to support your child’s academic success? Connect with an expert education advisor, who can help you navigate your child's school and educational experience.