Rollover Max (Comprehensive Dental Plan Only)

Thanks to Rollover Max from Delta Dental, there’s good news if you don’t hit your maximum dental benefit limit during the year—you won’t lose what you don’t use.

Rollover Max Is Easy and Automatic

To qualify for Rollover Max, you must be enrolled in the Comprehensive Dental Plan and receive at least one cleaning or one oral exam in the plan year. If you don’t receive a cleaning or exam, you won’t be eligible to roll over any of your benefit dollars to the following year.

  • In addition, your paid claims must not exceed the maximum “threshold” amount of your current annual plan maximum (see chart below).
  • Once you qualify, a portion of your unused annual maximum benefit dollars will roll over for use in your next plan year and beyond. This amount varies based on your annual maximum benefit payment (see chart below).
  • Annual maximum dollars are used first. Rollover Max dollars are used after the annual maximum is met.

The following chart shows how Rollover Max is calculated based on the Comprehensive Dental Plan’s annual maximum benefit of $1,750.

Your Comprehensive Dental Plan’s annual maximum benefit amount is... If your total yearly claims don’t exceed this threshold amount... Then you can roll over this amount to use next year and beyond. Your accumulated rollover total is capped at this amount.
$1,750 $700 $500 $1,250

Here is a 4-year example of how Rollover Max works (assuming you have at least one cleaning or one oral exam each year).

  First Year * Second Year Third Year*** Fourth Year
Your annual maximum amount $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750
Rollover amount from previous year N/A
(this is the first qualifying year for Rollover Max)
$500 $500 $250
Your total claims paid **
(Threshold $700)
$600 $800 $2,000 $600
Adjusted Annual Maximum $1,750 $2,250 $2,250 $2,000
Eligible for Rollover Max Yes No No Yes
Accumulated Rollover Max total $500 $500
(the amount you accumulated in your first year)
$250 $750

* The first year assumes you have enrolled in the Comprehensive Dental Plan prior to October 1.

** To be eligible for Rollover Max, your total claims cannot exceed the annual threshold amount of $700, and you must have a cleaning or oral exam in the plan year.

*** In this example, while the total claims paid exceeded the annual maximum benefit amount of $1,750, the plan paid an additional $250 in benefits, thanks to Rollover Max.

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