Performance Development

MIT is deeply committed to the success and growth of every employee throughout their career at MIT.

What Is Performance Development?

Performance development is an active partnership between the managersemployees, and the Institute that enables MIT’s diverse staff to be fully engaged and reach their full potential through:


  • Growth in current role and responsibilities
  • Setting and updating goals and expectations
  • Identifying job knowledge, skills & competencies to develop
  • Growth towards future opportunities beyond current responsibilities
  • Setting goals that expand knowledge, skills, experience, and overall career
  • Identifying opportunities to contribute to broader organizational needs and priorities
  • Contributing to a supportive and inclusive environment
  • Engaging in ongoing performance and development conversations
  • Supporting individual development and career interests
  • Providing opportunities for meaningful work
  • Recognizing contributions and achievements

How Can I Learn More?

Performance development as an active partnership

Through active partnership, each participant is responsible for making performance development practices as effective as possible.

The performance review process

Performance development is an ongoing process that enables two-way conversation addressing goal settingdevelopment planningongoing coaching and feedbackperformance reviews and ongoing engagement.

This inclusive process fosters a supportive environment and drives the highest levels of individual, team and organizational performance in support of MIT’s mission.

Performance development in a remote or hybrid workplace

While performance development best practices apply in any context, special considerations are important with remote or hybrid employees and teams.


Did You Know?

New here? See our site for new MIT employees as well as our onboarding tools for managers.