Schedule of Reviews

See the Institute performance review schedule below.

To be eligible for merit increase, employee's MIT start date is on or before: Annual Salary Review (ASR) process initiated by Compensation Office Performance Review Conversation / Written Evaluation* DLCI sends final merit increase amounts to Compensation Office Effective Date of Merit Increase
Sponsored Research Staff:
July 1 Late October October / December Mid December January 1
Last Monday in November Mid January January / February Mid February April 1**
Date of Hire Mid January February / March Early March July 1
Other Academic:
Date of Hire Early March March / April Mid April July 1
January 1 Mid April May / June Early June July 1
January 1 Mid April May / June Early June July 1

See the specific dates for each year in the Annual Salary Review calendar.

* Some managers stagger performance reviews throughout the year, so dates may vary. Managers are responsible for having a performance review conversation with staff as well as providing staff with a written performance review.

** Effective date of merit increase is at the beginning of the pay period closest to April 1 (for example, if April 1 falls on Tuesday, the increase is effective for the pay period beginning Monday, March 31).

Note: Review increases are effective on July 1 for Service Staff.

Alternative Schedules

About alternative schedules

MIT allows managers to schedule an individual employee's annual performance review conversation at any time. Some managers use the anniversary date, some use the employee's birthday month, and others simply spread the review conversations across the year in any convenient order. Whatever method you choose to set the schedule should remain consistent from year to year.

Why use an alternative schedule

Spreading the reviews across the year spreads the workload out as well. Alternative scheduling allows the manager to focus more time and thought on each annual performance review conversation. This can lead to better conversations, focused more on the individual's performance and developmental goals and less on the annual salary increase.

Alternative review schedules and salary increase timing

Alternative review schedules do not change the timing of salary increases. Annual salary increases are still handled at set dates by employment category. If you separate the review conversation from the time when the employee receives his/her salary increase, you should also schedule a conversation with the employee to discuss your salary recommendation.


Did You Know?

New here? See our site for new MIT employees as well as our onboarding tools for managers.