Infinite Mile awards
The Infinite Mile awards are given to teams and individuals for significant accomplishments in their departments, labs, or centers or in other DLCIs with which they collaborate. Criteria for receiving the awards are determined locally and are frequently grouped into different award categories.
Each area has designed a unique program which suits its culture and strategic goals. Typically, Infinite Mile Awards come in the form of cash (subject to payroll taxes) and/or a social event or outing.
See Find Your Recognition Program below to locate your area's recognition site. If your area does not have a web site, you can email the key contact listed for your unit and they will provide you with the program guidelines and a copy of the nomination form.
Appreciation awards/spot awards
Appreciation Awards (aka "on-the-spot" or "spot" awards) are delivered at the time of achievement. These acknowledgments should be relatively small and can be given to individuals, teams, or work groups.
As with all awards, they should be tied to a specific message of recognition for a concrete or measurable goal, achievement, or contribution.
The types of contributions that might be recognized through appreciation awards are:
- staying late to help someone prepare a presentation for the next day
- volunteering to cover for a co-worker who is out sick
- going out of your way to help boost morale or create a positive, inclusive work environment
- exceeding expectations for a goal or milestone in a long-term collaborative project
See Find Your Recognition Program below to locate your area's recognition site. If your area does not have a website, you can email the key contact listed for your unit and they will provide you with the program guidelines.
Resources for key contacts
Key Contacts are the individuals who are responsible for creating and maintaining recognition-related programs and activities within their areas at MIT.
Funding is allocated locally but budgeted and managed centrally through Human Resources.
If you're a Key Contact, visit our private wiki which provides you with resources for recognizing employees through financial and non-financial means, a communications bank of recognition content you can customize and send to your area, and more.
Find Your Recognition Program
Contact the DLCI Recognition Administrators noted below directly for more specific information on your area's recognition programs.
Alumni Association/Resource Development
Diana Casteneda:
Jennifer Fotiades:
Alumni Association/Resource Development Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the fall each year.
School of Architecture and Planning
Department of Architecture, Department of Urban Studies & Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, Media Lab, Center for Real Estate, Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism, Program in Art, Culture and Technology
Martha Collins:
Kiley Clapper:
Recognition Information
Infinite Mile Information
Nominations open in March each year.
Audit Division
Vida Cripps:
Audit Division Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in February each year.
Division of Student Life
Athletics, Physical Education & Recreation, Campus Activities Complex, Dining, Community Development & Substance Abuse Programs, DSL Administration, DSL Fundraising, Endicott House; Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living Groups (FSILGs); Hobby Shop, Housing, MIT Card Office & TechCASH, Office of the Dean for Student Life, Public Service Center, Religious Life, Residential Life Programs, Student Activities, Student Leadership Development, Student Mediation & Community Standards, Student Life Programs, Student Support Services
Sonja Dagbjartsdottir:
Alicja Estabrooks:
Division of Student Life Infinite Mile Information
Nominations open in February each year.
School of Engineering
Aeronautics & Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Office of the Dean; Laboratories, Centers and Programs: Center for Transportation and Logistics, Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, Industrial Performance Center, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Leaders for Global Operations, Lemelson-MIT Program, Microsystems Technology Laboratories, MIT Innovation Initiative, MIT Professional Education, MIT Sandbox Innovation Program, MIT Sea Grant College Program, Office of Engineering Outreach Programs, Program in Polymer Sciences and Technology, Supply Chain Management Program, System Design and Management Program
Michele Lynn Harris:
Macall Coombs Zimmerman:
School of Engineering Infinite Mile Awards Information
Nominations are due in the spring each year.
Environment, Health, and Safety Office
Nadia Morrison:
EHS Infinite Mile Awards Information
Nominations open in April each year.
Damaris Colono:
Raquel Irons:
Facilities Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
Vice President for Finance Operations
Michelle Coyne:
Hannah Ovaska:
VPF Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, Anthropology Program, Comparative Media Studies/Writing, Economics, Global Studies and Languages, History Section, J-PAL NorthAmerica andGender, Culture, Women, and Sexuality(GCWS),Linguistics & Philosophy, Literature Section, Music & Theater Arts Section, Office of the Dean, Political Science,Programs in Science, Technology & Society, Center for International Studies; Women & Gender Studies
Erminia Piccinonno:
SHASS Infinite Mile Nomination Information
Nominations open in March each year.
Human Resources
Cori Champagne:
Elizabeth Hawley:
HR Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in March each year.
Information Systems & Technology
Alice Knipfing:
Nominations open in the fall each year.
MIT Libraries
Cherry Ibrahim:
MIT Libraries Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
Lincoln Laboratory
Cheryl Bartolone:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Team Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
MIT Credit Union
Charlene Flaherty:
Nominations open in the fall each year.
MIT Investment Management Company (MITIMCo)
Shannon Ciempa:
MITIMCo Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
MIT Health
Dorianne DeLeon:
MIT Health Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
MIT Police
Mary Harrington:
MIT Police Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
MIT Press
Nick Green:
MIT Press Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
Office of the Executive Vice President and Treasurer
Atlas Service Center, Forum for the Future of Higher Education, Government and Community Relations, Office of the EVPT HQ, Open Space Programming
Kim Medeiros:
Nominations open in the spring each year.
Office of the President
MIT Copy Tech, Gray House, Office of the Chairman of the Corporation, Office of the General Counsel, Office of the President, Office of the Secretary of the Corporation, Institute Affairs, Institute Office of Communications
Ann McNamara:
Sarah Brown Mattivello:
Office of the President Infinite Mile Information
Nominations open in the spring each year.
Office of the Provost/Vice President for Research
Offices of the Provost, Associate Provosts, Vice President for Research, and the following: Center for Clinical and Translational Research, Center for Environmental Health Sciences, Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology, Climate Grand Challenges, COUHES (office), Corporate Relations/ILP, Division of Comparative Medicine, Haystack Observatory, Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, International Scholars Office, J-WAFS, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, List Visual Arts Center, Materials Research Laboratory, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Microsystems Technology Laboratory, MIT Energy Initiative, MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative, MIT Museum, MIT Open Learning, MIT.nano, MIT-SUTD Collaboration, MIT Venture Mentoring Service, MIT/Woods Hole Joint Program in Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Office of the Arts, Office of Research Computing and Data, OSATT Core, TLO and CR, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Research Administration Services, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Skolkovo, SOLVE, Technology Licensing Office, Technology Review
Gabriella Browne:
Idulia Lovato:
Lori Spindler-Brooks:
Office of the Provost and the Vice President for Research Infinite Mile Awards
Offices of the Vice President for Resource Development
Diana Casteneda:
Resource Development
Nominations open in the fall each year.
School of Science
Departments of Biology, Brain/Cognitive Sciences, Clinical Research Center, Chemistry, EAPS, Mathematics, Physics; Learning and Memory, Space Research; Experimental Study Group; Lab for Nuclear Science, Spectroscopy Lab
Kelly Murray:
School of Science Infinite Mile Awards
Nominations open in the fall each year.
Schwarzman College of Computing
Center for Computational Science and Engineering, Center for Biomedical Innovation, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) Laboratory and HQ, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, Jameel Clinic for ML in Health, Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems, MIT IBM Watson AI Laboratory, MIT Quest for Intelligence, Schwarzman College of Computing, Sociotechnical Systems Research Center, World Wide Web Consortium
Eileen Ng:
Diane Ramirez-Riley:
Schwarzman College of Computing Infinite Mile Awards Information
Nominations are due in the spring each year.
Sloan School of Management
Kibret Ramsay:
Sloan School of Management Infinite Mile Awards Nominations open in the spring each year.
Vice Chancellor: Dean for Undergraduate Education and Graduate Education
Admissions Office, Concourse, D-Lab, DUE Administrative Services, Edgerton Center, Global Education and Career Development Office (GECD), International Students Office, Office of Experiential Learning, Office of Graduate Education, Office of Minority Education,Office of the Chancellor, Registrar's Office, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), Student Financial Services, Teaching and Learning Laboratory, Terrascope, Title IX Office,Undergraduate Advising and Academic Programming (UAAP)
Kristin McCoy:
Vice Chancellor: Dean for Undergraduate Education and Graduate Education Infinite Mile Awards
Nominations due in the spring each year.
Need Help?
Contact Cori Champagne, MIT Recognition Program Administrator, at or 617-253-5986.