Getting Started

We understand that the first days, weeks, and months of employment are filled with excitement, a wealth of information, and many questions. We are here to provide you with the help and support needed for success in your new role.

The following is a guide to help you navigate onboarding, whether remote or in person, and to ensure you feel welcome and connected to MIT. We hope you will return to this site throughout your first year to participate in activities and opportunities to learn about MIT culture and identify ways to engage with your manager and team as you acclimate to your new role.

Ready? Let's Get Started!

Finding Your Way: Onboarding Resources

See some essential onboarding resources and links to help you get oriented at the Institute.

Support for New MIT Managers

We're pleased to offer comprehensive resources for managers at MIT, including learning opportunities, help with the hiring process, support for onboarding new employees, and tips for managing employees and teams when members are working remotely

Planning and Paying for College

Take advantage of expert, personalized guidance by phone or in person. Seminars and webinars are designed to help you navigate the college admissions process, plan, and pay for your—or your child's—college education.