Beneficiary Designation and Rollover Forms

Learn how to elect or change your 401(k) Plan beneficiaries, or to find a 401(k) rollover form.

Beneficiary Designation

You can elect or change your 401(k) Plan beneficiaries anytime on the Fidelity NetBenefits website. Sign in to your account and then click the "Your Profile" link in the top right section of your screen. In the "About You" section, click the link titled "Beneficiaries."

If you prefer to submit a paper beneficiary form, please call 877-MIT-SAVE (648-7283) to ask for a form to be mailed to you, or you can pick up a form from MIT Benefits.

Rollover Form

Get a 401(k) Rollover Form by visiting the Fidelity NetBenefits website. Sign in to your account and choose "Click here to download forms" from the box at lower right. If you prefer, you can pick up a form from MIT Benefits.

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