Applying to L2L

The application window for the 2025 L2L Cohort is closed. Learn more about the application process below.

Who Should Apply

L2L is intended for people at MIT who lead teams or Institute initiatives.

This application is for non-faculty. Faculty interested in participating in the program should contact the Provost.

Candidates should:

  • Lead a team or an Institute initiative
  • Exhibit leadership skills and potential
  • Be deserving of support for leadership development
  • Represent the diversity of MIT's community
  • Be committed to a career at MIT
  • Embrace feedback, reflection, and learning
  • Be prepared to undertake the considerable extra work and time required by L2L
  • Have the support for participation from the leader(s) in their organization

Individuals who want to improve their effectiveness as a manager or supervisor of people are encouraged to register for management development workshops offered by Human Resources. See Learn and Grow for upcoming workshops.

Because L2L is an MIT-sponsored program, there is no cost to the L2L Fellows or their departments.

Timeline for 2025 Cohort

  • August 5: Online Application Open
  • October 4: Application Deadline
  • Mid- to Late November: Decisions Shared with Applicants
  • December 10: Welcome Reception for Cohort
  • January 2025: Program Begins
  • January 2026: Graduation Ceremony
  • Other program dates to be determined

How to Apply

What's involved in applying?

Applicants must complete the following five steps before the application deadline:

  1. Learn more about the L2L experience from alumni
    Meet with one L2L alum to learn about:
    • The value they received from L2L
    • How to get the most from L2L
    • The effort and time commitment required
    • How they applied what they learned
  2. Talk with your manager to gain support related to
    • Your leadership development goals through L2L
    • How participation in the program will benefit your organization and MIT
    • The effort and time commitment required
    • The expectations of your manager
  3. Complete application form
    • Include the name of the person who will provide your Letter of Reference
    • Include the name of the manager who will complete your Manager's Support form
    • Write short essay (300-500 words) detailing
      1. The competencies, skills, experiences you would bring to L2L
      2. The leadership skills and competencies that you hope to gain from the program
      3. How participation in the program will benefit your organization and MIT
  4. Letter of Reference
    The colleague you have named as a reference will receive an email from L2L with a link to the Letter of Reference form, which asks them to describe your leadership abilities.
  5. Manager's Support Form
    Your manager will receive an email from L2L with a link to the Manager's Support form.

Selection process

L2L Fellows are selected by a committee of MIT senior leaders based on criteria for candidates, completed applications and references, and the composition of the cohort (considering such factors as the diversity of the class and cross-Institute representation). The selection committee includes:

  • Chancellor
  • Executive Vice President and Treasurer
  • Provost
  • Vice President for Human Resources

Need Help?

For questions about L2L, email

Learn and Grow, Professionally and Personally

Choose from a mix of role-based programs, skill-based workshops, and online resources to discover, learn, and grow in your career at MIT.