403(b) Plan

The MIT 403(b) Program, also known as the Tax-Deferred Annuity (TDA) Program, is no longer offered to MIT employees.

If You Have an Existing Account

  • your balances will continue to be tax-deferred
  • your account will remain with your existing 403(b) provider unless you transfer your balances to another MIT 403(b) investment provider
  • you may transfer your balances to another MIT 403(b) provider at any time
  • you can roll over these funds to your 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan if you are age 59½ or older

Questions About Your account?

Contact your MIT 403(b) provider:

Provider Contact
Fidelity Investments  (800) 343-0860
Prudential (800) 458-6333
TIAA-CREF (800) 842-2776
Vanguard (800) 523-1188

Have you recently married, had a child, or had another life event?

If you've recently experienced a life event such as a birth, marriage, divorce, or retirement, let us help you with the exact forms and other information you need.