Thank You to These Community Members

The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Physical Security/Sophie Wong and Dan Michaud

Sophie and Dan have helped me through so many issues, as we locked down our buildings, but still needed to get folks access. Our access issues are very complicated with many doors, and they always respond to our needs. They must be very tired, but they always take care of us. I look forward to thanking them in person, when we are back on campus together. Their teamwork and area have been critical to making the campus safe.
Jennifer Smith, Campus Activities Complex

Michael Foley

Mike has been a great leader during these struggling times. He continues to go in to make sure all our buildings are secure and critical things are taken care of, including our aquarium and plants. He shows his caring through humor and has been a positive force to keeping us together as a team. He steps up to the plate and helps other areas of DSL and MIT and thinks of many things that others do not. We are very luck at CAC and MIT to have him.
Jennifer Smith, Campus Activities Complex

Jhon Gonzalez

Jhon worked incredibly hard throughout the Maseeh move-out process, and has continued to go above and beyond to take care of our Maseeh community throughout this response to COVID-19. On a personal note from myself and Eric: Thank you for showing up at our door on a Saturday morning to provide us with a desk and office chair for our apartment. I did not expect such a fast response and was blown away by how helpful you and your team were with helping set us up for working remote. The ergonomic chair >>> our kitchen chairs.
Maria Hinterman (Smith), GRA Partner

Daniela Rus

I really appreciate you taking the time to check in with us graduate students individually and making sure we are safe and well during these trying times, especially for those of us who are far from home!
M. Doga Dogan, CSAIL

Leslie Kolodziejski

Thank you so much for checking in with us EECS students on a regular basis. It is a great feeling to know that someone you respect thinks of you and wants to make sure you have a place to stay and enough food to eat during this challenging period.
M. Doga Dogan, EECS

Michael Sherman, Manager of Applications & Information Technology Services and his team

I would like to thank Mike and his team for always coming to our rescue even before the COVID-19 but especially now. Without them, working from home remotely for most of the AA's would be a nightmare. A lot of us are just learning how to set up meetings with Zoom and WebEx pretty quickly without much guidance in the beginning. Anytime my colleagues or I have had a problem, Mike or someone from the IS&T team will contact us ASAP and figure out how to correct the situation. These are our unsung heroes because without them we won't be able to schedule meetings for the Directors and VPs for the DOF during this crisis. Knowing we can always count on them makes me feel very secure. So I would like to send a big THANK YOU to Mike, Gus, Maurice, Claribell, Paul, and Lisa.
Helen Balzano, Department of Facilities

Heather Williams, Assistant Dean, School of Science

Thank you for adding to your busy schedule to send out daily updates to our community ... and especially for your positivity!
Laura Carter, School of Science

Adalsteinsson, Berggren, Freeman, Kaelbling, Kolodziejski, LaCurts, Miller in EECS

These Undergraduate, Graduate and Education Officers in Course 6 have been doing a fantastic job of guiding and finding resources/information for faculty in the EECS Department as these latter reorient the large educational enterprise of the department to virtual operation. Thank you!
George Verghese, EECS

Our student leaders and all of our wonderful students!

Thank you for your quick response to a very difficult and challenging situation. We know how disruptive this has been for you to pack up and to move with very little notice. You are remarkable for your quick response and positive attitude. No one could have imagined having to make so many changes, so quickly. We miss having you on campus and look forward to being together in person, very soon. Until then, we are here for you, albeit remotely. If you have any suggestions for how we can connect during this time, please let us know.
Suzy Nelson & DSL staff, DSL

Cecilia, Shawn, Karen, and all at MIT Medical

You are remarkable! You have been at countless meetings, advising us on the spread of COVID-19, while also getting ready to take care of community members who become ill. Thank you for everything you have done for us, and for all that you continue to do...
Your colleague in DSL, DSL

Brad Badgley and Liz Jason

Brad and Liz are the backbone of the FSILG community! Without them, we would have never been able to get so many students in FSILGs off campus in an organized and safe way. Thank you for all that you do all the time, but especially during these trying times.


Tireless devotion to making the Department's Education work!
Peter Fisher, Physics

DoF-IT team

For keeping all of us in Campus Planning and Facilities who are working remotely humming along with amazing IT systems, resources, and support -- all with the usual friendly, competent, and personalized service.
Laura Tenny, Office of Campus Planning

Miri Skolnik & Taylor Pons

Huge thanks to Miri and Taylor for all they have been doing to support the FGLI/FGP/Quest/CASE community. Their care and commitment is so amazing.
T.L. Taylor, CMS/W

Donyatta Small, Terre Dilworth, & Paul Schumacher from DUE/DSL Desktop Support

This group of amazing people were so helpful to me yesterday and today with the computer issues that I was having from home. They went the extra mile to answer all my questions, provide a loaner computer during this stressful time, and help get me back up and running without missing a beat. Their professionalism and customer services is unmatched! Thank you again
Jess Rooney Gallagher , DAPER

Nina DeAgrela

Nina, you have not missed a beat. You anticipate needs before they are articulated. You put our students first and manage to make this very challenging time seem less daunting. If I had to lead during a crisis again, I would want you by my side. Thank you for all that you do for MIT and our students!
La-Tarri Canty, Intercultural Engagement

Becky Ecung

Becky has been an MVP for the department. A survey indicated that faculty wanted information in one easy place, and Becky created and helped reorganize content for a website at lightning speed! She is a super human and super reliable!
Jen French, Math Department

Bhatia Lab Tech Team

To the most amazing Tech Team ever! Renee, Niketa, Keval and Henry, so grateful to have you implement all these changes to our 'daily' routine and holding the fort during this challenging situation. You are all super heroes!
Lian-Ee, KI/IMES

Repair & Maintenance Personnel

Thank you to the Repair and Maintenance personnel working on the front line to keep the campus running normally.
Anonymous, Department of Facilities

Scott Klemm, FSILG Cooperative

Scott is truly going above and beyond to support the students of our independent living groups. His actions behind the scenes have done so much to help the students move out and arrange care for the vacant houses. He is generous with his time and handles with ease everything that the crisis throws at him.
David Lawrence, Class of 2014

SA+P Dean's Office Staff

I would like to thank Dean Hashim Sarkis and all of my colleagues in the SA+P Dean’s Office for the amazing job they are all doing keeping the SA+P community together. We are all learning a new way of working/teaching/staying connected. None of these challenges are easy for any of us and we all have our own personal hurdles to jump through, some harder than others. But I am warmed by the fact that I know my colleagues are there on the sidelines just a phone call, text or e-mail away. That brings much comfort in these unsettling times and I THANK YOU! Hope to see you in person soon. Till then stay healthy safe and keep your chin up you are all AMAZING!!
D2, School of Architecture and Planning

China and India Lab faculty, mentors and students

You have lived through the Covid-19 challenges, not for a couple of weeks, but since January! Thank you for your flexibility, creativity and patience as you planned, re-planned and re-re-planned. Special shout out to Valerie Karplus, John Grant and Melissa Webster!!
Urmi Samadar, Action Learning Office, Sloan

STS Team - Wes, Elias and Mirian Cardoso

Thank you Wes for your leadership - every member of your team has been so responsive, innovative and helpful.
Elias - Love your tutorials on Zoom and Canvas, especially when you run them from outerspace :-)!!!
Mirian - Thank you for being so patient and helpful during our session and fun to chat with.
Kudos to all of you!!
Urmi Samadar, Action Learning Office, Sloan


STS and specifically Jason, Zac, Elias, and Bryan! You have been amazing, answering all our Zoom and remote questions. You have always been impressive during EMBA Weekends, but this has been taken to a new level! Thanks times a million!
Becca Souza, MIT Sloan Executive Degree Programs

Elsye Luc

Thank you for arranging (and rearranging) countless Zoom and WebEx meetings to keep LNS staff, faculty, and students together in our new virtual world. You are greatly appreciated!!
Heidi Demers, Laboratory for Nuclear Science

Suzy, Gus, the SPXCE team, all of DSL!

Thank you Suzy for keeping us all the way together as a division! Your words give us hope. Thank you Gus for all the work you've been doing to make this transition just a little easier on students and staff. Thank you to the SPXCE team - La-Tarri Canty, Lauryn McNair and Alessandra Robinson - for really taking the time to show (more than usual) compassion for our most vulnerable populations and students. Your creativity and adaptability has inspired me. Lastly, thank you DSL folks for putting the students first. This is what I love most about Higher Education. To those who have checked in, those faces I have seen or chatted with on zoom and those I have yet to see - I miss you. Let's do a virtual lunch soon.
Nina DeAgrela, Intercultural Engagement, Office of Multicultural Programs (OMP)

Housing & Residential Services

The entire Housing & Residential Services team has been working around the clock to support students during this challenging time. The leadership team, house operations managers, security, custodial and maintenance staff -- everyone across the department has stepped up to help students and to support their colleagues. I couldn't be more proud to work with talented, hardworking colleagues who are dedicated to the health, safety and well being of students within the MIT residences and beyond.
Zachary Tsetsos, Housing & Residential Services


Ollie consistently goes above and beyond to keep W98 running. During the COVID-19 Crisis, he continued to do so with a smile and an email to lift spirits. He is has been a true ray of sunshine during this crisis.
Nicole Ferrara, OIG

Sloan Technology Services (STS)

Wow - Everybody in STS has DELIVERED through this transition to remote work and teaching. From having critical collaboration and learning tools like Zoom, Slack, and Canvas LMS already in place at Sloan to working tirelessly to continuously train and support our community of remote employees, teachers, and learners throughout this transition, I couldn't be prouder to be part of this family!
Shallon, Sloan Technology Services

Robert McKenna

A highly valuable FedEx package was delivered during the MIT shutdown to an unknown location, and Robert went above and beyond his port of call to track down the delivery driver to find its location. It is hard to express with words alone the gratitude that I and my research group feel for the perseverance shown by Robert in this case, and in previous cases that we've worked with him.
Jay Shah, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences