Thank You to These Community Members

The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Mike Gallino

I am beyond appreciative to Mike for his responsiveness and troubleshooting. During the workweek Mike is always available and follows up on ticket submissions. Some technical difficulties started bubbling on a late Friday afternoon, and I realized on Saturday morning the issue was still persisting. I submitted a ticket hoping to address the issue first thing Monday morning. Mike responded within minutes of my ticket submission, addressed the department recognizing this was not an isolated issue, and offered to have a remote session with me. Thank you, Mike, for taking time out of your weekend to resolve this.
Megan Chester, Office of the President and EVPT

Anna Spector and Nancy A. Sahagian

It is beyond my belief that you worked out the Cancer Research Institute fellowship application for Dr. Arthur Zalevsky within 24 hours! On the morning of April 1, both Dr. Zalevsky and I had almost given up the hope to get it done. You have both gone above and beyond the call of duty.

This is truly an amazing experience in my 33 years at MIT. I want to express my sincere appreciation for all your diligent lightening speed work to get this fellowship application through.

MIT is truly an AMAZING place! You demonstrated it once again! I believe it is almost impossible in most institutions to have such dedicated staff like you. On behalf of Dr. Zalevsky, I want to thank you very much for your dedication!
Shuguang Zhang, School of Architecture + Urban Planning

Technology Licensing Office Staff

To the entire TLO Staff for all their amazing work, doing double duty every day to support the replacement of our database all while keeping the TLO functioning and responding to the MIT and external community on innovation matters. Their commitment to this project is humbling. Thank you each and every one.
Lesley Millar-Nicholson, Office of the Provost, Vice President for Research, Lincoln Laboratory

Darren Conroy

Darren always goes the extra mile to help myself and our coding team members as well as our Department members with his expertise. His research on any topic requested of him and his articulation of the subject paired with his ability to educate us are beyond helpful. We are very lucky to have him on our team!
Judy Kelly

International People Placement & VPF Tax Office

Thank you to Linda Dionne for her helpful consultation and assistance with assisting our community who need to work from international locations. She has been an amazing resource.

Thank you to Jennifer Chung for her assistance with getting the PEOs in place to support our community.

The teams have been helpful resources.
Lisa Breede, School of Architecture + Urban Planning

William Adams

I support a very large, unique, and diverse population in the Research Lab of Electronics (RLE). Working from home during the past year, our community encountered numerous IT challenges, including certificate updates, syncing remote desktops to our home computers, creating an Outlook calendar and zoom meetings, setting up access for our graduate students to the community printers/scanners, and much more.

One specific instance of Bill going above and beyond was when I inadvertently deleted an important folder that carried two weeks' worth of data entry. This folder was critical to our Lab's research. By the time I realized what I had done, it was 5:35 pm on a Friday before a long weekend. I didn't expect an answer, but when I called Bill he answered and worked with us until we recovered this folder (which took over three hours!).

For this instance and all of Bill's continued assistance through the years, this note is a small token of my gratitude. Thank you, Bill!
Anonymous , Other

Chris Foglia; Cheryl Miller; Amber Franey; Dorothea Gray

This team at MIT CISR has transitioned all of our in-person global events to a new schedule of online delivery. They've invented new offerings and experimented with new tools. They've managed change with a spirit of ingenuity. Thank you!
Leslie Owens, Sloan School of Management

Clayton Hainsworth

Clayton Hainsworth has demonstrated spectacular leadership in this ever-changing crisis, shifting us from in-person services to online and hybrid video capture and delivery. He has been our anchor in a sea of uncertainty as we've learned how to get results in the internet's virtual world. Clayton has made it possible for us not only to survive but thrive in this new and challenging macrocosm.
Thomas White, MIT Video Productions

CSAIL Fiscal Team

CSAIl Fiscal Team always reaches for excellence! They are the most dedicated and hard working staff I have worked with. Their ability to quickly switch from one challenge to another, to constantly adapt and wonderfully respond to a very high work volume and competitive demands, is amazing. Each individual in the team is resilient, dedicated, extremely professional, and upbeat -- there are not enough adjectives to capture how wonderful they are. I am am humbled and grateful to know and work with each of them.
Carmen Finn , Schwarzman School of Computing

Ping M. Lee

I had the pleasure of working with Ping on a proposal that was given to her at the very last minute. Ping went above and beyond; working late hours, and the weekend to ensure the proposal was submitted on time. She was incredibly insightful, and helpful. This proposal could not have been done without her. I learned so much from her. Ping, thank you for working so hard, I really appreciated all the effort you put into getting the proposal submitted to the sponsor by the deadline.
Rachelle Destine-Farouk, School of Architecture + Urban Planning

The Endicott Runners Team

The Endicott Runners go above and beyond to support students isolating and quarantining on campus. It's been a blessing and pleasure to work with this team. They have gone to great lengths to ensure students have what they need to feel comfortable and supported while quarantining/isolating. I can't say enough good things about the Endicott Runners and Mary, who leads the team.
Trish Moran, Division of Student Life

MIT Press Journals Production: Dan Bouchard, Eric Witz, Ann Olson, and Levi Rubeck

This team stepped up to the challenge of going fully remote without losing a beat. In spite of all the personal and professional challenges of the year, they were always supportive of each other and the Press. Not only did they stay on track with existing work, they absorbed new journal titles, learned new skills, and assisted in the launch of a new journals platform. I feel very fortunate to work with every member of this team and look forward to tackling the challenges of the next year together.
Rachel Besen, MIT Libraries and MIT Press

Pam Quick

Pam is that exemplary colleague who doesn't look for praise, recognition, or reward, but pushes herself because she believes in what she does. Brilliant, efficient, and, above all, collegial, she makes our office a better place - a better run, more successful, more enjoyable place to work and just be.

The pandemic and the flip to remote work brought unique challenges. However, Pam has adapted as she always does. Though never directed to, she has stopped into the office periodically whenever she thinks it necessary. She's made her home a UPS station - having needed books shipped and sending packages worldwide because she knows customers are waiting. She has kept our business on track. She has owned it.

I cannot thank her enough for her hard work, dedication, and just plain decency. Thank you, Pam!
Bill Smith, MIT Libraries and MIT Press

Michael Corcoran and Jamie Goldberg

Mike and Jamie ... You have been my buoy through this last year and I cannot thank you enough. I would have surely drowned if it wasn't for your on-going support, always prompt at answering my questions as I continue to learn the "MIT" way. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. Mike, your sense of humor has kept me going through all these months and lifted my spirit at a time when it was sorely needed. Jamie, you are the sister I always wanted. Always willing to hold my hand through complicated procedures ... what can I say. Thank you to both of you. Merci de tout coeur!
Louise Tanguay-Ricker, Office of the Provost, Vice President for Research, Lincoln Laboratory

Colleen Mazzeo Leslie

Colleen, you are an amazing human being. You are a spectacular leader, a source of wisdom and support like I have rarely seen and you truly care about the MIT community. Your dedication is such an inspiration. There aren't enough words to say how much I appreciate your support. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Louise Tanguay-Ricker, Office of the Provost, Vice President for Research, Lincoln Laboratory


I would like to thank the entire RA-Help team at Research Administration Services. They have been champions during this last year as requests probably quadrupled while people were/are working remote. Ian, Rosemary, Kim, Carol, you are my heroes. I could never have survived this year without you. You are always quick at responding, clear in your communication, always willing to go the extra mile and oh so patient. I appreciate all of you so much. Thank You! Vous êtes une équipe sans pareil et je vous suis tellement reconnaissante. Merci!
Louise Tanguay-Ricker, Office of the Provost, Vice President for Research, Lincoln Laboratory

Maxwell Madzar

I am grateful for Maxwell's knowledge, proactive problem solving, and commitment to excellence in addressing and solving a large volume of HR issues at CSAIL. Thank you Maxwell!
Daniela Rus, Schwarzman School of Computing

Laureen Horton

I am grateful to Laureen for her knowledge, hard work, and support in solving problems. She handles an extraordinarily high work load for CSAIL and gets things done. She is always helpful. She is a wonderful collaborator and partner for CSAIL. Thank you Laureen!
Daniela Rus, Schwarzman School of Computing

Gretchen Jones

I am grateful to Gretchen for her fantastic contributions as senior fiscal officer at CSAIL. Gretchen is knowledgeable, helpful, and a wonderful colleague. She is managing a very complex funding portfolio proactively and reliably. She is a very valued member of the CSAIL fiscal team.
Daniela Rus, Schwarzman School of Computing

Sarah Farrington

Under normal conditions Sarah is the Administrator to a dozen core labs in the Koch Institute. You might call her a super-Admin because her list of responsibilities is lengthy, a thankless job in some respect because she may only hear from people when they need something. When the pandemic hit and MIT was scrambling to re-open, she helped streamline a process for core labs across MIT to re-open safely. Many labs directors who had never met Sarah were now looking to her to help them re-open. Cores are an important resource relied upon by many research labs. Most grad students, technicians, post docs, professors, and staff scientists who utilize core labs may not know her name and how much she has contributed to their ability to do their research during this difficult time.
Abigail Lytton-Jean, Scientific Director of the Nanotechnology Materials Core Lab in the Koch Institute

Kristen Niarchos

Kristen Niarchos has gone the extra mile in many ways the CDO at Sloan during the pandemic and has been an invaluable partner to me as someone who started working at Sloan remotely in May 2020. Thank you Kristen, not only for always being willing to help and support me as a colleague, but also for the immense care and compassion that you have shown me personally during this very challenging year. I will forever be grateful to you and know that our students wouldn't be so well served if it wasn't for you and your dedication to this work. You are incredible!!
Rose Keating , Sloan School of Management

Physics HQ, APO Staff, Communications, Junior Lab, et al

Thank you team and colleagues for working so hard during these times!
Hicran Arnold built an entire database!
Dakota Wyne was hired and onboarded via zoom! He is a great asset to our team.
Carol Breen worked tirelessly on the Pappalardo Competitions and Physics Journal.
Scott Robinson and the JLab team did not let the pandemic stop them from coming to the lab.
Talking to Christina Andujar has literally become the highlight of my work day, and she has done so much behind the scenes that often goes unnoticed.

I know this all the work we are *supposed* to do, but we have really *showed up* for our students, faculty, and each other during this time. I am honored to be a part of such a dedicated, hardworking, and caring team.
Rosaleah Brown, School of Science

Carmen Finn, Bruce Tidor, Daniela Rus

CSAIL has been supported by many outstanding people during the pandemic. My interactions with Carmen, Daniela and Bruce, in particular, fill me with awe and gratitude. They have been deeply human, dedicated to their roles, and fully invested in serving CSAIL. I feel very fortunate to have them.
Una May O'Reilly, Schwarzman School of Computing

Laureen Horton

I am grateful for all the support and help I received from Laureen Horton. I can always depend on her expertise, dedication and attention to detail during proposal submission. No matter how complex are proposal requirements, she always dives in and finds the answers. Thank you, Laureen!
Regina Barzilay, Schwarzman School of Computing

Miguel Flores

Miguel and Alexa have been pillars of stability, patience and good spirits. Last March during the swift transition Miguel was always, and I mean always, available to help answer questions and navigate, what was for me, new platforms. Alexa continues to be helpful, available and responsive to all needs. Grateful for them both!
Keely Eastley, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Custodial Staff

The custodial staff took it upon themselves to water plants that people had to leave in there offices. This may seem like a little thing, but imagine how amazing it will be for people to return to their offices/work areas and be greeted by their plants. The world has experienced so much loss this past year that this seemingly small act shows a kindness and compassion that fills my heart with hope for the world.
Anonymous, Office of the Provost, Vice President for Research, Lincoln Laboratory

Amber Ackerman

While the world got overly serious and excessively political, Amber kept things lite and has a way of diffusing tension and keeping people united even during the challenges that COVID brought. Our first days back on campus would have been very different without your can-do positive energy. Thank you Amber.
Michael McAlpin, Sloan School of Management

NightWatch/Dormitory Patrol

NightWatch/Dormitory Patrol staff are rarely noticed but play a huge role for MIT. Not only do they provide security and safety for the MIT community but NightWatch also connects with the students, staff and residents on a more personal level in times of need. Nightwatch has worked right through the entire COVID-19 crisis making sure students, staff and residents are complying with rules and regulations and making sure everyone is staying healthy.
Anonymous, Housing and residential services

Zan Barry

From the moment we started quarantining back in March 2020, we were all in a state of confusion and asking ourselves what, why and how did we get here? Trying to figure out the 'new norm.' getting settled in to 'working from home,' constantly worrying about Covid became somewhat challenging and quite depressing. Along comes an email from MIT Medical Community Wellness offering virtual zoom classes called "Unwind" with Zan Barry. I immediately registered for a class.

Zan gets us through the darkest times with her mindfulness stretch exercises and meditation. These classes have been extended through the year and are now being held 4 times a week. She has such a positive outlook and never once has cancelled a class. It's so therapeutic and I can only say, and speaking for the others, we all look forward to her classes each day. I feel so wonderful and rejuvenated. Thank you MIT for making this possible with Zan Barry and 'Unwind' as it's been a Godsend to many of us during this pandemic. I hope she continues with this.
Karen Semerjian, Facilities

Everyone who has lost a loved one to COVID-19

Thank you for holding on and keeping going through your grief. Despair can exert a strong pull -- thank you for not giving in to it. Our community has lost so much, and it means so much to us that we still have you.
Anonymous, Staff