A toolkit for all employees – not specifically for managers – is also available. Find it here.
Start Here
The Work Succeeding initiative was created to develop and refine guidance, tools, and policies to support flexible work arrangements at the Institute. The toolkit below will help you plan and implement a strategy for your team or area.
You may wish to start with:
- a short summary of the toolkit materials (PDF, two pages)
- overview video to learn how to navigate the toolkits.
When you're ready, you may download below the specific toolkit sections that interest you, or the entire toolkit.
Toolkit for Managers by Section
Understand the goals of Work Succeeding and how to use the materials and guidance provided in this toolkit.
Section 1: Work decisions and design
Provides a framework for understanding various work models and which may work best for different types of teams.
What's in this section:
Expectations, Processes, and Guiding Principles: A collection of the roles and expectations, decision-making processes, and guiding principles for DLCIs, managers, and employees to consider in developing their future work arrangements
Overview of Potential Work Models: A summary of the work models available to your team (on-site, hybrid, remote) alongside a discussion of which models work best for different types of teams
Employee Personas: A collection of employee personas that can aid in understanding various employee perspectives. Managers can reference these personas as a visual of how different roles and team needs may align to different work models
Section 2: Work planning protocols
A guide for managers as they plan their team’s future work model(s).
What's in this section:
Policies and guidelines related to flexible work: A collection of the Institute’s policies and guidelines related to flexible work, including links to MIT websites that detail the processes and specific considerations for managers and employees
Recommended work planning steps: Steps and associated activities/templates for you to use when planning for the future work model. Read through the section for details and links to activities and templates, including tools to help:
- Prepare for team-wide and individual conversations
- Conduct team-wide and individual conversations
- Complete team member (e.g., individual) work plans
- Submit team-wide work plan to manager and leader of DLCI
Frequently asked work planning questions
A collection of common questions regarding the work planning process
Additional resources: These materials are intended to serve as templates for you to modify as needed. They are provided as Word documents so community members and teams are able to edit the wording, add signature fields, or make other adjustments.
- Work Planning Conversation Guide for Managers (Exercise A) (Word document, 3 pages, direct download)
- Work Planning Exercise for Managers (Exercise B) (Word document, 2 pages, direct download)
- Team Member Work Plan Template (Form A) (Word document, 2 pages, direct download)
- Team Work Plan Template (Form B) (Word document, 2 pages, direct download)
Section 3: Technology and equipment
How to lead effective meetings with a virtual component, and guidance on technology and equipment for team members.
What's in this section:
Best practices for using technology: Guidance on how team members can effectively use technology in a flexible environment, and tips for managers to support this process
Overview of technology and equipment available to DLCIs: A summary of the items and resources available to MIT employees with hybrid or remote schedules, recognizing that processes will differ by DLCI
Common guidance on technology and equipment: Information about technology and equipment, including ADA compliance, with links to relevant Institute resources
Section 4: Culture, well-being, and inclusion
Tools and resources to foster an inclusive team environment that prioritizes well-being and a positive team culture.
What's in this section:
Guidance on Promoting Team Culture: Tips on how to cultivate and support a positive, welcoming culture within a team that prioritizes empathy and supports team members’ needs Best Practices for Supporting Team Well-Being: A discussion on wellness within a team, and links to MIT resources that support team members’ physical and mental well-being Resources for Ensuring Inclusive Practices on a Team: Advice for managers on ensuring that inclusive practices are a priority within and across their teams (e.g., “courageous conversations,” “real talk”)
Section 5: Communication and collaboration
Resources and best practices related to communication and collaboration within and across teams while navigating a flexible work environment.
What's in this section:
Guidance on how to work in a flexible environment: Considerations and advice for how teams should work in a flexible format
Tips and tricks for effectively working together: Guidance on how team members can communicate and collaborate in order to foster an open, efficient, and creative work environment
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Section 6: Performance Management
Considerations for performance management and best practices and methods to solicit feedback.
What's in this section:
Performance management considerations: A discussion of common employee concerns about performance management during remote work and considerations for how to potentially adjust performance management in a flexible work environment
Best practices for performance management: Guidance on how to balance performance management for a hybrid team, and tips for managers on how to incorporate them within their team
Guidance on sharing performance management practices with team: Suggested steps to share performance management processes with a team, and ensure managers are prepared to incorporate feedback and adjust plans as needed moving forward
Download this Section
Toolkit for Managers – Full Version
Policies and Guidelines
- See MIT's policy on Flexible Work Arrangements in the Employment Policy Manual
- See guidelines for equipment when working remotely
Additional Resources
If you are transitioning your team to a flexible work environment and would like support using the toolkit and resources above, help is available. Send your request to worksucceeding@mit.edu.
See our manager resources on Engaging Staff and Teams, which includes curated tips on managing staff who are in remote or hybrid mode.
If you still have questions about Work Succeeding, contact your Human Resources Officer or email worksucceeding@mit.edu.
MIT is committed to providing an environment that is accessible and inclusive for individuals with disabilities. If you need a disability-related accommodation to access these materials, please email worksucceeding@mit.edu.