Scott Rolph

Associate Director, Talent and Career Development

Scott Rolph is the Associate Director of Talent and Career Development in MIT Human Resources. He is dedicated to helping individuals, teams, and organizational units increase their capability to communicate, reflect, learn, adapt, and improve continuously.

His work encompasses a variety of strategic consulting services, including executive coaching, learning program design and instruction, team development, strategic planning, and retreat design and facilitation.

Before joining HR, Scott was Manager of Organizational Effectiveness and Communication in the MIT Office of the Vice President for Finance (VPF). In VPF, he was responsible for staff learning and development and facilitated organizational change and strategic planning efforts. He also led the VPF Communications team.

Before joining VPF, Scott was Associate Director of Communication at the MIT Sloan School of Management. In that role, he led a team focused on the development and ongoing management of the MIT Sloan website.

Scott has a master’s degree in Conflict Resolution from the University of Massachusetts-Boston and a bachelor’s degree in Classics from the University of New Hampshire. He is a certified Organization Development Consultant Professional (ODCP) through the Institute of Organization Development and a Certified Action Learning Coach through the World Institute for Action Learning. He participated in the Susan Vogt Leadership Fellows Program through The Boston Consortium in 2013-14.