Christopher J. Terman

MIT is a place that attracts innovators. So, when we're giving out awards for innovation, you know the recipients must be "very special innovators" indeed. And that's the case with the recipients of the Excellence Awards for Innovative Solutions.
The first innovator we are honoring today is Christopher J. Terman, Senior Lecturer Emeritus in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Chris is famous for implementing early prototypes of microprocessor-based workstations and plug-and-play peripherals. He's also launched several companies, but his colleagues want to celebrate Chris today for a different innovation.
When the EECS Undergraduate Office found itself buried under a variety of routine and mundane questions, they turned to Chris to build an interface for Course 6 students. Within weeks, he had an efficient system up and running and has since built more than a dozen different applications for the undergrad office. Moving processes online has freed up the faculty and staff to provide more meaningful support to students.
As one colleague wrote: "Working with Chris has changed my life, but more importantly, the lives of everyone in the EECS Undergraduate Office, and every single undergraduate and MEng student in EECS (all 1900 of them!)."
Congratulations, Chris!