The Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award recognizes those colleagues who:
- create an inclusive workplace,
- encourage collaboration and diverse viewpoints,
- resolve cultural misunderstandings, and
- raise awareness about the value of diversity and inclusion.
Our first honoree in this category is Alice Lee, a member of the associate staff in the Secure, Resilient Systems and Technology Group. Alice is deeply involved in Employee Resource Groups—or ERGs, as we call them at MIT. She is a member of the New Employee Network, the Lincoln Laboratory Women’s Network, and co-chair of PALS—the Pan Asian Laboratory Staff Network. Alice is also heavily involved in REEAcT—Lincoln Laboratory’s Research, Educate, Empathize, Act, and Transform initiative.
On top of all these efforts, Alice works hard to encourage more girls and young women—especially those from lower-income backgrounds—to get excited about cybersecurity and other STEM fields. And she has championed the cause of pay equity among historically disadvantaged groups.
At the root of all these efforts is her underlying goal to be a change agent, promoting a stronger sense of belonging for employees of all backgrounds. As one of her colleagues shared, "Alice listens and leads with empathy, a kind of leadership we should all strive toward."
Alice, thank you for all you do to advance diversity and inclusion in our community. Congratulations!