Stef Desmond
The final award I’ll be presenting today is in the Sustaining MIT category.
This award celebrates individuals or teams who:
- develop or implement programs that solve an environmental challenge
- advance strategies that result in more cost-effective practices,
- promote or develop community wellness programs and access to healthy food and exercise options, OR
- help the MIT community to incorporate sustainability into their work lives.
Today, we recognize the five members of the Sustainability Team in The Office of the Vice President for Finance. Their efforts created a shift in office culture toward sustainable practices. Their work is visible across their workplace, where they have powerfully demonstrated that change is possible.
They have brought an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm to the task. Using the MIT Office of Sustainability’s templates, they assessed VPF’s current efforts, and identified areas for improvement. From there, they created subgroups and recruited volunteers to help them tackle several focus areas.
- they reduced the use of paper and plastics,
- encouraged employees to use alternative modes of transportation, AND
- offered input and support on workplace flexibility
These focus areas impact both our work in the office and our lives at home. But the best way to measure the success of their efforts is to hear it straight from members of the VPF community. Here’s what one of their colleagues had to say: “ . . . Not only have they done a great job of figuring out how to help us become more sustainable, they make the reminders so friendly and fun, it never feels like a burden. In fact, it’s something I now want to make a daily habit!”
So, even though we are now working from home, the steps taken by this team started habits that continue to influence thinking about sustainability.
Let’s recognize the VPF Sustainability Team:
Stef Desmond
Dimana Macdonald
James Nutter
Johana Amatucci Reyes
and Long Tran
Congratulations on your Excellence Award!