Lorraine K. Wong

2017 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony
With the Collier Medal, we take a moment each year to remember Sean’s dedication to us all…and to celebrate his place in our community…now and always. We award the Collier Medal to an unsung hero who builds connections and pulls all of us closer together. Just like Sean.
This year we are pleased to present the Collier Medal to Lorraine Wong, an MIT undergraduate, Class of 2017. Lorraine is what you might call an action hero—always out in the community working tirelessly to raise awareness about student mental health and wellness. The only thing missing is a cape.
Lorraine is:
- an executive board member of Active Minds at MIT
- a steering committee member for Undergraduate Associate Advising;
- a co-teacher of the “Leading as an Introvert” class for middle school students
- a co-teacher of the high school program “How to Take Care of Yourself and Your Friends”
- a crisis hotline volunteer for the Boston Samaritans chapter
All while managing a dizzying MIT undergraduate workload.
Every year during Suicide Prevention Month, Lorraine sets up more than 1,000 yellow flags on the Kresge Lawn in remembrance of college students lost to suicide. Never one to shy away from speaking publicly and courageously about personal challenges. Lorraine lets those in our community dealing with similar issues know that they are not alone. As one nominator wrote, “It’s time to recognize Lorraine’s inspiring energy, humility, action-oriented leadership and endless passion to help fellow students.”
I agree. Please join me as we honor the winner of the 2017 Collier Medal: Lorraine Wong..