Susan Young

Susan Young

Coordinator, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
Sloan School of Management
Outstanding Contributor
Award presented by
Provost Martin Schmidt

2017 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony

The final award for Outstanding Contributor goes to Susan Young. Susan is the coordinator of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy at MIT Sloan. Without her efforts, many of IDE’s success stories would not have been possible. As a key member of IDE’s Inclusive Innovation Competition team, she actively engaged in the strategy and planning necessary to launch the competition, identifies and recruits prospective applicants, supports project management, generates a blog and social media content, and writes and manages the website. Susan’s also the point person for the Analytics Lab or A-Lab,program manager for the Conference on Digital Experimentation, and coordinator of an MIT Sloan lunchtime seminar series. Her colleagues say that Susan proactively looks for ways to improve these high-profile, high-impact programs—as well as her service to the hundreds of members of the MIT community who rely upon her. 

As one colleague shared: “Susan is an inspiring leader. She’s always introducing innovations, always considering the larger implications of every action, every event, every initiative.  Susan is the heart and soul of IDE—and its perennial unsung hero.”

Susan, congratulations on your Excellence Award.