Kerin Willis

Kerin Willis

Financial Administrator
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science, School of Science
Outstanding Contributor
Award presented by
Provost Martin Schmidt

2017 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony

Our next honoree in the Outstanding Contributor category is Kerin Willis, a financial administrator in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. Kerin’s colleagues tell us that she guides them with professional and compassionate expertise to succeed at a high level. They talk about Kerin’s endless resourcefulness, dedication to mentoring, unwavering reliability, encyclopedic knowledge of Institute procedures and best practices, and bottomless patience and compassion.

In the words of her coworkers, “Kerin is an inspiring and enduring mentor— and not just because of her knowledge and skill. We look up to her as an example of someone who is able to balance professionalism and warmth. She is truly an outstanding contributor, and it would mean so much to all of us to see her recognized.”

Kerin, I have a feeling that seeing you up here on stage will make a lot of people happy. Please come on up for your Excellence Award.