Jeffrey Stewart

Jeffrey Stewart

Associate Staff
Group 59 Cyber Systems Assessments, Lincoln Laboratory
Outstanding Contributor
Award presented by
Lincoln Laboratory Director, Eric Evans

2017 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony

The next award for Outstanding Contributor goes to Jeffrey Stewart, an associate member of the technical staff at Lincoln Laboratory. Jeff is a member of the U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office “Red Team,” which has been providing high-level security assessments to the U.S. government for 35 years. Jeff analyzes highly complex critical systems, diligently working to find vulnerabilities in our nation’s systems…before others do.

What sets Jeffrey apart, his colleagues say, is his remarkable ability and laser focus—qualities that he leverages to reverse-engineer hardware and software systems,

tease apart binary images to understand how a system works, and unmask errors, omissions, and invalid assumptions that make the system vulnerable.

Jeffrey, his colleagues say, is also distinguished by his remarkable humility and ego-free nature. They say they are nominating him for an Excellence Award in return for  “all the times Jeff has worked behind the scenes, eschewing the spotlight, and forgoing professional recognition in order to put the focus on the team.”

Congratulations, Jeffrey, on your Excellence Award!