Parents Forum Team

Creating Connections

front row (left to right): Christine Bates, Eve Odiorne Sullivan
back row (left to right): Terry Stone, Rafael Reif, Phil Clay, Claude Canizares

The team of two who have built Parents Forum are outstanding at their jobs, but their work with the forum is entirely outside their responsibilities. Parents Forum is an innovative approach to parenting education, with downloadable resources and written materials for facilitating workshops available in several languages. Beyond that, the founders participate in Family Weekend and Charm School, work with student living groups, and organize book and toy exchanges to benefit local community groups.

Parents Forum was originally an MIT resource when organized in 1991. It has since widened its scope to serve greater Boston and the program has potential to become a global organization to engage family service agencies in providing more effective parenting services. Reviews from program participants reveal that they have been able to put the tools they acquired in Parents Forum training to work in their own homes.

With its visionary leaders as ambassadors, Parents Forum builds constructive dialogue within families and its reputation reflects well on MIT as an institution.

We thank Christine Bates and Eve Odiorne Sullivan with this award for Creating Connections, Serving Our Communities. Congratulations.