Recommended Resources

We have collected this list of meeting design and facilitation resources for use by the MIT community. We refer to these resources frequently in our work with clients at the Institute. We hope you'll enjoy them.

Books and Articles

How to Make Meetings Work
Michael Doyle, David Straus
A classic in the field of meeting design and facilitation, this book was the first to describe many ideas about collaboration and group problem-solving which are now common practice. Doyle and Straus developed the "Interaction Method" back in the 1970s.

Facilitation at a Glance
Ingred Bens
A wonderful pocket guide to facilitation, filled with tools and techniques useful to both novice and advanced facilitators. Great set of tools for problem solving.

Facilitators Guide to Participatory Decision-Making
Sam Kaner
An excellent resource for ideas on facilitation, with a focus on decision-making tools and techniques. The book includes excellent illustrations, which can be reproduced to help explain facilitation concepts to others.

Other Meeting Design and Facilitation Resources

The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) promotes, supports and advances the art and practice of professional facilitation through methods exchange, professional growth, practical research, collegial networking and support services.

Interaction Associates provide practical solutions for achieving better outcomes. 


Please note that links on this page may point to resources outside of MIT. Inclusion of a resource does not indicate sponsorship or support by MIT. This list is not intended to be comprehensive.

Parenting Support

Adjusting to life as a new parent? Need advice on how to support your child's or teen's social and emotional needs? Consult with an expert parenting coach to discuss your questions or concerns. Plus: Did you know that MIT offers eligible employees a child care subsidy?