This next group of awards honors those who have been instrumental in Sustaining MIT. These are individuals who support the well-being and safety of our community, are proactive in helping MIT practice resilience, and act as stewards of our natural resources.
The first award for Sustaining MIT goes to a team of three exceptionally dedicated individuals from the Office of the Vice President for Finance:
- Edward J. McDonough,
- Allison Parisi, and
- John Parro
Every single decision MIT made in the context of the pandemic had financial implications. In Fiscal Year 2021 alone, COVID-related financial impacts at MIT were approximately $207 million. This team worked closely with offices and individuals across the Institute—from MIT Medical, to IS&T, to the Division of Student Life, and every DLC in between—to make projections, track the implications of a tuition rebate, analyze residence hall occupancy, factor in the cost of a child-care subsidy, and project the costs of COVID testing protocols.
Navigating this public health emergency, Ed, John, and Allison met these enormous obstacles with incredible perseverance and creativity. When faced with multiple once-in-a-generation financial challenges, they identified solutions that thoughtfully balanced helping our community get through this crisis and preserving our resources for future needs. I witnessed their skill and commitment firsthand. I was and remain personally inspired by it. MIT is truly fortunate to have this crew at its fiscal rudder.
Congratulations Ed, John, and Allison!