Developing Your Staff and Teams

Resources and tools to support you as you help your employees grow and learn in their roles.

  • Performance Development at MIT
    MIT is deeply committed to the success and growth of every employee throughout their career at MIT. There are benefits to managers, employees, and organizations that invest in performance development. When done consistently and well, these practices result in clearer expectations and measures of success, better performance on the individual and organizational levels, and an engaging and inclusive environment where employees are can learn, grow, and contribute to MIT’s mission. Use this website to learn more about the benefits, best practices, and manager responsibilities. (MIT Human Resources)
  • Video: Own Your Behaviors, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success
    We can choose how to behave and how to communicate in the workplace, and those choices have consequences, for ourselves and our colleagues. In this call to action, behavioral coach and author Louise Evans describes the 5 Chairs, a powerful method for mastering our own behaviors, managing the behaviors of other, and fostering success and happiness, at work and at home. (TEDx)
  • Being a Delegation Master
    Effective delegation is important both to getting work done and developing employees. In this video from a LinkedIn Learning course, management expert Dr. Eric Zackrison explains five ways to delegate better and make your team more successful. (LinkedIn Learning)
  • Coaching and Developing Employees
    Harness the power of coaching in the workplace. Join leadership and negotiation coach Lisa Gates, as she explains how to establish a coaching relationship with your reports. Lisa shows how skills like open-ended question asking, listening, challenging for growth, and accountability can increase your employees' autonomy and problem-solving capacities. The course includes assessments, exercises, and tools to help your team capture goals, map a career trajectory, and accelerate growth, along with sample coaching conversations help you see these tips in practice and understand their potential impact on your people, productivity, and results. (LinkedIn Learning)
  • Measure Performance: Strategies for Remote and Hybrid Teams
    While many leaders remain optimistic about the future of work in 2021, some unresolved questions have spilled over from 2020. One being: How can organizations measure productivity with remote and hybrid teams? This article offers 3 key domains for measurement and amplifies employees' need for managers to define success and expectations. (Gallup)
  • Having Career Conversations with Your Team
    Learn about a coaching framework that you can apply to help your team members quickly identify ideal outcomes and map growth for the year ahead. Explore how these conversations are different from performance evaluations, and how to integrate the four-stage Pivot Method into your regular one-on-one meetings. Instructor Jenny Blake also offers practical tips on how to create a strong development culture, and provides strategies to quickly generate aha moments and close career conversations with actionable insights. (LinkedIn Learning)
  • Developing Your Team Members
    When it comes to employee development, taking a one-size-fits-all approach can cause leaders to misuse their time and energy. In order to most efficiently develop your team, it's important that you understand performance patterns to tailor your leadership approach. Once you determine the type of training, coaching, and guidance that each team member requires, you can be more intentional about how you invest your time and energy in helping them improve their performance. In this course, Mike Figliuolo shares a practical approach that can help you address the unique needs of your team members and determine how to best allocate your time in their development. (LinkedIn Learning)

Help With Child Care Expenses

MIT's Portable Child Care Subsidy program provides a benefit to eligible employees to address the high costs of child care—an ongoing challenge for many employees and families.