MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund FAQs

The MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund provides financial assistance to MIT staff and postdoctoral scholars who are experiencing an immediate and temporary financial hardship due to a sudden or non-recurring emergency.

Who can apply for financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund?

An applicant must be either an active full-time or part-time benefits-eligible MIT staff member or a postdoctoral scholar (associate or fellow); have a minimum of six months of service; be in good standing with the Institute, with no current disciplinary actions; provide supporting documentation; and not have received financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund within a three-year rolling period (no earlier than three years after the previous grant was received).

What emergencies qualify for financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund?

The Fund provides financial assistance to MIT staff and postdoctoral scholars (associates and fellows) who are experiencing an immediate and temporary financial hardship due to a sudden or non-recurring emergency.

A temporary financial hardship is one caused by a defined, time-limited, specific event, such as loss of family income, new or additional expenses directly related to COVID-19, death of a family member, serious illness or injury, or a natural disaster. Long-standing financial issues (such as ongoing credit card debt) do not meet the temporary hardship requirement.

I am receiving a temporary reduction in pay while on an MIT leave of absence (e.g. Serious Illness Reduced Pay – SIRP). Is this considered a qualifying emergency?

A temporary reduction in pay while on an MIT leave of absence is not considered a qualified emergency for the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund. Staff and postdoctoral scholars who have questions about topping off leave pay or sick leave policies should email the Disabilities Services and Medical Leaves Office (DSMLO) at Staff and postdoctoral scholars may also reach out to the MIT HR Work-Life team at 617-253-1592 or for appropriate resources and referrals.

As a result of providing temporary financial support to my family member(s), I am unable to pay my own bills. Is this considered a qualifying emergency?

The Staff Emergency Hardship Fund is intended to support staff and postdoctoral scholars who have directly experienced a sudden or non-recurring emergency and incurred their own expense(s). Staff and postdoctoral scholars may reach out to the MIT HR Work-Life team at 617-253-1592 or for appropriate resources and referrals.

What types of expenses are eligible for financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund?

The financial assistance can be used to cover rent, mortgage, utilities, food, funeral, or other essential expenses.

Does the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund cover commuting expenses, such as parking and Uber/Lyft rides to work?

Generally, replacement or recurring commuting expenses, including parking and ride shares, are not eligible for financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund.

Does the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund cover health plan deductibles and copays?

Health plan deductibles and copays are not eligible for assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund. Staff and postdoctoral scholars (associates and fellows) who have questions about their MIT health plan or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can email or call 617-253-6151 (campus); or email or call 781-981-7055 (Lincoln Laboratory)

Does the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund cover equipment and technology expenses for working from home?

Staff and postdocs should check with their DLCI to learn what types of equipment are provided or eligible for reimbursement. See HR’s Guidelines on Providing Equipment for Working Remotely for additional information.

Does the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund cover pet/veterinarian expenses?

Pet and veterinarian expenses are not eligible for financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund. MIT offers pet health insurance through two plans, ASPCA and Pets Best, which provide coverage for veterinary services related to your pet being hurt or sick. Coverage for routine/preventative care is also available for an additional fee. Eligible employees may enroll in pet insurance directly with ASPCA or Pets Best through the benefits website at any time. You will pay your premium directly to the vendor you choose.

Does the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund cover visa and Green Card-related expenses?

Visa and Green Card-related expenses, such as application fees and legal fees, are not eligible for assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund. International visitors can reach out to MIT’s International Scholars Office (ISchO) (617-253-2851 or for information and guidance. In addition, benefits-eligible employees and postdoctoral scholars (associate or fellow) can receive a legal consultation, at no cost, through MIT MyLife Services (844-405-5433 or

Is the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund confidential?

Yes. All applications are received by Work-Life, which will remove all identifying information of the applicant to ensure confidentiality before sending to the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund Review Committee.

Who is on the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund Review Committee?

The Review Committee is a small group of MIT community members, including support, service, research, and administrative staff on campus and at Lincoln Laboratory; as well as faculty.

If my application for financial assistance is approved, how much money will I receive?

The amount granted is based on the applicant's demonstrated need, short-term nature of the financial hardship, supporting documentation, and available balance of the Fund. All decisions of the Review Committee are final.

How will the money be disbursed?

Funds will be disbursed through direct deposit. In some cases, payment may be made directly to the vendor or creditor to which the applicant has a financial obligation.

How soon will the money be disbursed?

If approved, funds will be disbursed as soon as possible, and no later than 10 business days after all required supporting documentation has been received.

Can I receive financial assistance more than once, if I experience separate emergencies?

Applicants must not have received financial assistance from the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund within a three-year rolling period (no earlier than three years after the previous grant was received).

How is the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund funded?

The Fund consists solely of voluntary charitable donations from alumni/ae, faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and friends of the Institute.

How can I contribute to the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund?

You can make a one-time or recurring donation online via credit card or PayPal.

What percentage of my donation to the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund goes to providing financial assistance to those in need?

100% of donated funds are used to help MIT staff and postdoctoral scholars (associates and fellows) in need.

Who can I contact with additional questions?

Work-Life manages and administers the MIT Staff Emergency Hardship Fund. You may reach out to a member of the team at or 617-253-1592.


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