Mark DiVincenzo

Serving the Client

Presenter: Israel Ruiz, Executive Vice President and Treasurer

We are presenting Mark DiVincenzo with the Serving the Client award today because, his nominators say, he has worked tirelessly to educate and advise the MIT community on employment, diversity, and community standards while helping DLCs navigate the complexities of law and policy.

A colleague of Mark’s in a neighboring office observes, on a daily basis, the phenomenon that is Mark DiVincenzo. “For nearly 6 years, I have had continuous insight into Mark’s work for his clients. And his work is amazing. On any day, he receives several phone calls an hour and more emails than that. Who is calling him? Everyone. If a dean, department head, or lab director has a personnel problem, they call Mark. If a housemaster or DSL staff member has a question about a student, they call Mark. If the Provost wants details about affirmative action, he asks Mark. If the ombuds need wise counsel, they see Mark. If the Facilities Department has a construction dispute, who do they go to? Mark. Mark makes their problems his problems, and they leave their encounter with Mark somehow lighter.”

It is with great pleasure that I present the award for Serving the Client to Mark DiVincenzo.