Hack Your Mind: The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age

Building: 66-144 (Landau Building)

Join the MIT Radius monthly Hack Your Mind series, where guest speaker, clinical psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair, will speak about the impact technology has on your relationships with the people you care about. During this program, you will learn about how the Internet and the digital revolution are profoundly changing childhood and family dynamics. Solutions parents can use to successfully shepherd their children through the technological wilderness will be offered. 

Hack Your Mind is co-sponsored by Community Wellness at MITMedical  and MIT Radius . To learn more about the Hack Your Mind Series, go to: http://radius.mit.edu/programs/hack-your-mind-big-disconnect-protecting-childhood-and-family-relationships-digital-age .

Registration not required.