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In English
- Raising Teens (a print-friendly PDF of the Raising Teens website)
- Raising Teens: A Synthesis of Research and a Foundation for Action
(a 101-page PDF of the report on which the Raising Teens website is based, including scholarly references) - If you are unable to download the report, please contact the MIT Work-Life Center, at worklife@mit.edu or 617-253-1592.
In Spanish
- Ser padres de adolescentes (141-page PDF)
- This document is provided by the Pan American Health Organization, which translated the Raising Teens report into Spanish and used it as a foundation for parent programs in Central and South America.
International Report on Teens
- Helping Parents in Developing Countries Improve Adolescents’ Health (44-page PDF)
- Drafted by Raising Teens Project Director A. Rae Simpson, this report from the World Health Organization reflects the findings of leading researchers and practitioners from around the world. For more information, visit the Parenting Adolescents in Developing Countries section on this site.